Thursday, July 17, 2008


Forget Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Hamas ulterior motive or Al Quada’s next plan of attack. The Mid East is tearing apart the fabric of our economy without lifting a finger; simply raise the price of oil. The worst part of this equation is American oil companies are co conspirators in this covert war, catering to the American addiction with no desire to change our fix or harm their revenue stream. OPEC is using America as their puppet in their economic war.

What about those tax subsidies usually granted businesses for capital improvements? What have oil companies done to explore new avenues of energy and eliminate our reliance on oil, other than lip service from our current President? Wouldn’t those subsidies be best given to Detroit to mass produce flex fuel and hybrid cars, the kinds that give us 50 miles per gallon?

Oil companies despise that remedy the way a drug dealer hates hearing when a “client” checks into rehab. Theirs’ isn’t the only greed at fault for putting our country at such risk. Environmentalists have tied the hands of our ability to drill for oil within our regions, a short term fix that continues dependence on oil, just not foreign.

Liberals are equally to blame. If they are so concerned about “no blood for oil” shouldn’t making America less reliant on foreign oil be a priority, even if it means yielding in principle, for the time being, regarding off shore drilling? Wouldn’t baby steps save lives?

Let’s not forget the American consumer now enjoying Santayana’s caveat about forgetting past mistakes. We endured the oil crisis and gas rationing of the late seventies, and what did we learn? Get right back up on that high horse with SUV’s and Hummers, and live like there’s no tomorrow.

Welcome to tomorrow. We are playing right into the hands of our enemies who are killing us from within by virtue of our own greed and fiscal mismanagement. If we think the Mid East is at war with us, wait until China no longer wishes to finance out debt because the value of our dollar has made us an extreme credit risk.

Now we are told Oil companies will use extortion if America wishes to reintroduce the windfall profits tax, a sort of rebate to America for their price gauging. Let them threaten to pass on taxes, because if done, they will feel the wrath of the American public, as will any politician who foolishly tries to justify such blackmail.

After six years of war against terrorism, we still haven’t learned that the biggest bomb we could drop on our enemies is to dry up their source of funds. Instead, and because of American greed, they are doing it to us. We continue to drive whistling off to work, living on credit, and diverting funds meant for living expenses by paying oil companies who pay the Mid East. Are we really winning the war? Better yet, do we know we are in one, and are losing from within?
David DiBello

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