Friday, July 18, 2008

Following Whoopi’s “Logic?”

Why the special treatment for the “n” word? Going forward all married men can now refer to their wife as a “c***sucker” so long as this marital definition is restricted to their wife alone, by them alone, and no one else refers to their wife as one. I am sure the life span of all marriages will significantly decrease if this behavior is adopted, because women will be hard pressed to understand this declaration.

If I as an Italian American refer to a fellow Italian as a Guinea or WHOP, that doesn’t make me a person expressing my anger within my own element, it makes me a classless individual.
There is no reason to use the “n” word, or any other derogatory expression in speaking to one another; it is not a cultural definition, it is animalistic behavior.

Sadly, Whoopi Goldberg is suffering not from a shriveling up of her “punjamba,” or “moonjambo,” or whatever she calls her special place; she is experiencing flashbacks from her years on the street which is now having an effect on her brain pan.

People who grew up in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s worked too hard to get people together, acknowledging we are one, and discarding the hate words, and beliefs, of the past. We lived through the sounds of the O’Jays, Marvin Gaye, Gladys Knight, Aretha Franklin and the soul sounds of Philadelphia that taught us about peace and love and living together.

There is no acceptable reason, no cultural definition, to restore such degrading and debasing words or images. It simply displays the limitations of the person who cannot express themselves positively, or is simply full of hate.

David DiBello

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