Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who's to Blame for Big Three Failure?

Forgive me, but I didn't hear of a rash of hi jackings or kidnappings in the 90's or early 2000's forcing Americans to buy Hummers and gas guzzling SUV's. Thanks to auto leases, even our second car was new, which put us more into debt.

Like with our stock, we bougth with reckless abandon while bowing at the alter of gluttony, giving no consideration to frugality. Where does balme for our current economic condition lie?

Of course the Big Three Auto Manufacturers played on the vulnerabilities and lust of their market, and via collusion with Big Oil, kept producing cars that had mileage rates that dated back to our Oil crisis of the Seventies.

As buyers, we didn't learn a thing. So while we are pointing fingers at GM it is important to remember the words of former Mayor Jimmy Walker who refered to his administration's corruption during his resignation speech: "I'm not the only fool here; you voted for me!"

To quote another famous pundit: "The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves."

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