Thursday, October 23, 2008

We are now concerned with a Candidate's Clothing Allowance?

Obviously bad decision on the RNC's part to purchase all Sarah's clothes at once, especailly while espousing "brotherhood with Joe," but even "Six Pack" and "the Plumber" know how to dress when attending a wedding, their own or another's.

Have we gone from revealing a candidates tax return to detailing their clothing allowance? How much has Barack, Joe and John spent on their clothes?

Shouldn't we expect a VP candidate to dress the part? Is it that much money given the budgets? If one divides $150,000 by $21 million, the amount Barack has spent on polling, would we blink an eye? The campaign funds are now in the "BBBBBBillion dollar range, so if 1% were allocated to clothing, that would leave a spending allotment of $10 million dollars. $150,000 is 1.5% of that amount.

Even Dave the Accountant spends more money on clothes.

We have a Left Wing attack group led by Chris Matthews high standards of speech Sarah should have hade before second graders (should she have gone into detail about the clouture rule, or fillibusters - any thinking adult would be logically confused).

We have Keith "the sportscaster" Olberman laughing nightly at something only he finds amusing or defines as such, and lectured by Bill "I beat my African American Girlfriend within an inch of her life in a coke induced rage" Maher, regarding right and wrong.
Too bad they both couldn't stick to issues instead of these sophomoric locker room attacks.

A word of warning to Obama: no matter how bad the economy, your surrogates are making it very hard to vote for you.

David DiBello

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