Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pope John Paul II, Economist

A few years back Pope John Paul II issued an encyclical covering the economies of the world. He wrote "Unbridled capitalism with no morale compass is destined for ruination."

Both Europe and the Western World scoffed and laughed at the Pope's naive advice.

Since that time we have stagnation of working class wages while costs rose, never addressed our health care crisis, or curtailed our gluttony at the pump. We purchsed with eyes bigger than our wallets.

Our tax policies favored the wealthy and the rich got richer. We created a wedge between economic classes as the middle class vanished. The rich, feeling it is never enough, sought out deregulation to thrive more, and resorted to outright corruption when not satisfied.

Well , no one is laughing at Pope John Paul now.

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