Saturday, January 31, 2009

14 Babies at Whose Expense?

It is true that Government should not interfere or restrict one's free speech or ability to legally do as they please, so the woman suffering from Mia Farrow disease is entitled to inseminate herself for purpose of giving multiple births.

However, when this woman cannot afford to nurture these children, who will she turn to for financial relief? The American taxpayer by virtue of Medicaid, food stamps and other government assistance, whether the taxpayers want to pay or not. What happened to their free speech?

The Governor of California and state legislature will have to confront the problem of women having children who they cannot financially support, and thus have the resources capable of nurturing them. The ethical issue will then be raised that only wealthy people can have as many children as they want (which has always been: having children to the point that one can afford), yet ignoring that these children will become wards of the state, or burdens to taxpayers.

A similar analogy is motorcyclists who refuse to wear helmets when riding, claiming "let those who ride...decide." When they have severe head trauma after an accident and don't have health coverage, who pays? The US Taxpayer, suppressing their free speech rights.

There is the suspicion this woman, who has made herself into a baby making machine (remember when women hated that image?) did this for the purpose of selling children, white babies in high demand due to low supply.

It seems while we all have first amendment rights, such a privilege comes with responsibility, and it has now come time that Government regulate ethics and respect.

David DiBello

Fox News, CNBC Spin

While most major news outlets have reported the worst quarterly GDP figures in 27 years, both Fox News and CNBC, for whom Big Business and the Market are their livelihood and passion, ”optimistically” viewed the results saying the 3.8% drop was far less than expected.

This is what’s seen as good news these days: the bad news isn’t that bad. It’s like saying to someone who just had one of their two cars stolen, “be happy both cars weren’t stolen!” Fortunately one astute voice on CNBC, Dylan Ratigan acknowledged the market ups and downs, and undefined bottom, exists because Wall Street sees no concrete “reason to rally.”

I am reminded of Elton John’s song “Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters,” which said “sons of bankers, sons of lawyers, turn around and say “Good Morning” to the night, for unless they see the sky, but they can’t and that is why, they know not if its dark outside or light.”

Fox News and CNBC resort to propaganda to paint a pretty picture due to self interest, all the while turning a deaf ear to the concerns and reality on Main Street, where the solution lies.

David DiBello

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pope John Paul II, Economist

A few years back Pope John Paul II issued an encyclical covering the economies of the world. He wrote "Unbridled capitalism with no morale compass is destined for ruination."

Both Europe and the Western World scoffed and laughed at the Pope's naive advice.

Since that time we have stagnation of working class wages while costs rose, never addressed our health care crisis, or curtailed our gluttony at the pump. We purchsed with eyes bigger than our wallets.

Our tax policies favored the wealthy and the rich got richer. We created a wedge between economic classes as the middle class vanished. The rich, feeling it is never enough, sought out deregulation to thrive more, and resorted to outright corruption when not satisfied.

Well , no one is laughing at Pope John Paul now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hollywood - Put up and Shut up!

I listened to the audacity of Hollywood elites like Sharon Stones and Justin Timberlake who have told Americans they need to buckle down and volunteer more while they dine on foo foo cuisine and fly from one mansion to another. What have they done?

Here are privileged people playing in their "make believe," fantasy world, on a sound set for three months, or touring the country singing, then lounging out poolside for another three, working on their physical image two hours a day.

The audacity of telling people who already work two jobs, or have multiple spouse working households they need to do more, or buckle down is audacious and absurd. Millions of people volunteer their time and/or service to local charities, food shelters and aid to the homeless, people who don't make multi million dollar salaries while others earn minimum wage, surviving on government subsistence.

What of Hollywood's collective conscience that one person makes so much money acting in their pretend world while others can't make ends meet? The pip squeak Timberlake who's blood, sweat and tears to date was to sing in a boy band and partially disrobe Janet Jackson has some nerve. He knows nothing of what real people do day to day being so far removed, so superficial and childish he claims to have a "swagger" because of the election of Obama, before the President has accomplished anything.

We have many soldiers giving the ultimate sacrifice in foreign lands protecting our freedoms and luxuries at home. I am reminded of those actors and actresses who stopped what they were doing to enlist during the World Wars, and of the Hall of Fame pitcher Sal Maglie who could have stayed in America and had greater numbers, except that he felt there were more important things then playing a ballgame. What has Hollywood done in this regard?

I am sure that many in Hollywood already give under the precipes set forth by Matthew 6:24: "sound no trumpet before you ...that you may be prasised by others." I know of many who are concerned with their fellow citizens plight, like Springsteen and Bono, and I will never forget Sandra Bullock's donation of one million dollars towards the families that died on 9/11. Pray this epidemic catches on.

The last thing we Americans need is a lecture. We are the masses who feel the economic pain first, and feel the benefit, if any last. Mesasage to Hollywood: put action to your words and preach by example!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Right Man For The Times

The Right Man For The Times

It is fully understandable and historical to witness a barrier finally broken that was long since overdue, the electing of our first Black President. Even more unifying is the fact that Barack Obama is biracial at a time when we trully need to realize we are all on the same side in solving the ills of this country.

Black Americans have had achievements that were not acknowledged in the distant past. Thanks to the struggle for Civil Rights, justice and equality enjoined by White Americans this road to recognition is realized.

It is also importatnt to acknowledge again, that a majority of White Americans voted for Barack Obama not because it was time for a Black President, but because President Obama was the right man for the job and for the times.

A Clear Vision in DramaticTimes

A Clear Vision in DramaticTimes

I am so proud today to have voted for Barack even though I supported Hillary. His speech was the best I have ever heard because it hit on all notes. Gone is the aberration of wealth redistribution, but stated better America as a whole can only prosper when all people, even the people who work hard to create profits for others, share in the good fortune.

I hope not lost in the aura of the moment was the substance of his message. This is going to be a long haul to recovery, especially after today's market downturn, and it is not going to be easy. It will require sacrifice, something my generation is not used to after the decade of greed in the eighties and another supply side crash and burn now. This is not the start of a PiƱata from the goody tree.

Barack dramatically reminded us that we are a nation built on hard and sometimes unknown times, we never quit and did not fail, whether at the time of our founding, or during a depression and World Wars, or the Cuban Missile crisis and Cold war. We will not fail now provided we take the steps necessary.

Barack also reminded all countries that we remain at peace with all those who choose to do the same, and we will act more prudently and judiciously as we regain our leadership role. This too is a challenge to other countries to join us in peace, but to make no mistake that America will tolerate any less.

I can only add God Bless America, for we finally have a populist President and administration that will handle the problems as if we actually are all created equal and "one nation under God."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Economy by the Numbers

For those keeping track, stocks were up 262 on January 2nd and talk of a rebound was all abuzz, fostered by analysts who have an interest in instantaneous upswings i.e. CNBC and a return to the same old, same old unfetterred capitalism.

Then it fell 245, and after the first four days of trading in 2009, we have netted a growth of just over "3." Today we lost 125 points, and we are in the negative for the new year. This was based on bad profit numbers from major businesses. We have increasing unemployment figures still to hit the fan along with more mortgages in jeopardy since the sub prime "shock dates" mature this year, the final shoe to drop on this fraudulent industry.

Its time we stop putting stock in "impression" and start valuing the age old standards of hard work, savings and earnings. There will be no quick fixes and it is going to be a long year!

David DiBello

Blagojevich the Gambler

I wonder if Kipling and Tennyson had Gov Blagojevich in mind when writing their poems regarding enduring hardships. Surely if they had more foresight these poets would have added to their advice regarding life's trials, tribulations and injustices the caveat, "unless caught on tape."

My advice to Gov. Blagojevich for his next press conference is to quote from Kenny Roger's the Gambler song: "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run."

David DiBello