Sunday, August 24, 2008

This is Barack's Judgment?

In his wisdom or ego, Barack thought it best not to consider Hillary as VP though 50% of the Democrat vote lies in her supporters' hands? Is this intelligent?

Regardless of what a good selection he made, Joe Biden and Barack will have an uphill struggle to put those votes in their column, many of whom are centrist and will simply revolt to McCain despite Hillary's protestations to the contrary; you can't tell voters how to act, and if they feel disresepcted, the die is cast.

Instead of focusing on Independents and crossover Republicans, Biden and Barack will be spending time stopping the hemorraghing of Clintonians. Hopefully they will convince these disaffected voters that the Democrat platform is more conducive to their needs.

However, with a projected overwhleming victory by Democrats in Senate and Congressional races which will tie the hands of A McCain Presidency, perhaps Clinton supporters will roll the dice for 2012, seeing that ticket splitting will do no harm because of a lame duck Republican President from day one.

A Hillary selection would have energized the masses, thrown the convention wild, unlike Biden, who garnered 250,000 primary votes. The novelty of his selection will fade fast. To further show what an unwise choice Democrats made, can you imagine an experienced Hillary teamed up with a seasoned Biden. It would be no contest.

One still wonders what deal was struck with Hillary anbd Barack for her to walk away so easily? Shouldn't she have had leverage with the other half of the primary vote, or was it Barack holding the threat of "her never getting elected in the future" if she didn't support him now?

We are left with the battle cries of inexperienced at the top of the ticket, who has already floored us with his shortsighted judgment.

David DiBello

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