Saturday, January 21, 2017

A New Vow

My Fiancée and I exchanged vows January 20th as our 45th President exchanged his own. As a married couple, we celebrated listening to the President 's rallying speech,  interrupted by whistle blowing and heckling. A few blocks away, a hypocritical "Love Trunps Hate" group vandalized, looted and burned the neighborhood. No definition of love any  normal human being knows.

In NYC, the classless Bill Wilhelm, who goes by Bill DeBlaiso in kismet with kindred spirits who also  use an alias, Mark Ruffalo and Alec Baldwin disgraced themselves.

We now have another Vow. As registered Independents we will never, ever consider a Democrat for office, voting the Republican menu. That's a sway of 4 votes, 2 for, that became 2 against, in addition to the 1,048 state house, Senate and Congress seats lost by Democrats since Obama became President.

Protesters have victimized themselves, much like the liberal media and polling institutions victimized Hillary and her supporters leading them to falsely believe she was on her way to a coronation. A funny thing happened on the way to the forum - democracy!

David DiBello

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What did they accomplish?


As you watched the video from the helmet cam, one would marvel at a great free fall! Tumbling down to earth, it is the stuff of America’s Home Video.

And it actually is; its 9/11 all over again. As I watched the two fools fall from the Freedom Tower I was reminded  of the Fathers and Mothers, Sons  and Daughters, friends and co-workers making the ultimate choice, for lack of a better term; inhumane heat or falling to the earth.  If you toss a tomato out a second floor window it would go splat, the same sound Mayor Giuliani heard as many chose falling out a 70 to 80 story tower versus the unbearable heat.

14 Years later and this is the horrific day these morons chose to make their notoriety; tossing salt on open wounds that will never heal. As the sky cam came crashing to the earth, this is the last view of children who lost their Mothers and Fathers.

Quite a feat.

David DiBello


Monday, March 24, 2014

Cuomo Treats McCray Equally

In an editorial last week Jeanne Zaino of Am-NY Newspaper complained that Gov. Cuomo basically took a “pot shot” at Bill DeBlasio’s wife and NYC’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray, refuting the definition of “civil rights issue” when it came to NYC public education. Ms. Zaino cites “First Ladies” and families off limits when it comes to criticism.
Yes that was then, this is now. As a refresher course let’s look at history. On the big stage everyone loved Pat Nixon’s quiet demure way, sensing she was the strength behind her man. Betty Ford took an active stand against Breast Cancer and addiction, and Roslyn Carter was the loving wife with homespun virtues. Nancy Reagan tried to apply her value to the fight against drug use (“Just say no”) and did compel her husband to consult an astrologer.

The one thing these First Ladies’ had in common was no one stuck their foot in domestic, economic, social issues or international affairs. They didn’t get voted into those positions and their service was restricted to helpful charity and service. Two for the price of one, but with limitations on the unelected latter.
Hillary was the first one to set her designs on a higher stage. The criticism of her influence by many was that they didn’t vote for her as she tried to strong arm her way into issues like healthcare (Hillarycare). She was also open to criticism by her self defined “right wing conspiracy.”

Here’s the difference: she brought in on. If you don’t want criticism, don’t throw your hat in the ring. We vote for Bush-Cheney, not Bush-Welch (Laura’s maiden name); we choose Obama-Biden, not Obama-Robinson.
Clearly we have a new set of First Lady’s, no longer behind the scenes; wanting a greater role in areas they did not get elected. Was Chirlane McCray expecting a free pass when she ludicrously equated preliminary finger painting (Pre-K) as a civil rights matter? There are a couple of people who were lynched in the 60’s that might take exception. And once it was out there, was it hands off? Was Gov. Cuomo not allowed to respond? Was he only left to choose being an enabler?

Cuomo had every right to respond to a political statement put forth by Ms. McCray. She chose to play in the big leagues. The old adage holds true; if you don’t like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

David DiBello

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

St Paddy's Day Win-Win
What a glorious day to be with my Irish Brothers and Sisters. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and nowhere to be found was our 750,000 vote union loving twisted visionary Mayor, his public advocate Letitia “kick the kids out of school” James and his self appointed counterpart, City Council President Melissa “I don’t have to report my income” Viverito; quite a “tale of two cities “indeed.
Irish Eyes were truly smiling with such a win-win scenario; so were my Italian American Eyes. Erin go Bragh!
Boycott Guinness, Heineken and Sam Adams, because turnabout is fair play too.
David DiBello

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


In answer to the question “what if you threw a party and nobody showed?” the FOX News sponsored Tea Bag parties managed to garnish 618,000 protestors in about 800 American locales. That’s two tenths of 1% of the U.S. population, an average of 78 people per location (some sites had about ten people while others numbered in the thousands).
Put in perspective, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel and Diana Ross each drew crowds of 500,000 in Central Park, New York, a city that drew 12,500 tea bag protestors (in Miss Ross’ case she drew the same crowd twice due to late rain out). New York is comprised of 8.36 million citizens, and borders Connecticut, New Jersey and Up State which can draw an additional 2 million from each area.
Sean Hannity of Fox News, who broadcasted from the Georgia party site of 25 to 30,000, often maligns the Million Man March hosted by Farrakhan claiming they only drew 400,000 people (the police department reported 800,000). Yet he claims the Tea Bag party to be a ground swell movement!
Where is this so called anger and uprising we were told to expect? Most viewers expecting to see the equivalent to an Abortion Rights or Pro Life march on Washington, or remember Anti War or Anti Nuke rallies, or the ground swell of the Civil Rights marches were severely disappointed.
Adding to the confusion is the mixed messages being delivered. While some were protesting taxes (although none have been raised yet and we are still under the Bush tax plan), others were against government bailouts of anybody. One sign read “Reverse NAFTA now” definitely not a conservative Republican theme, while many simply voiced their displeasure with Obama in not so polite terms.
The protestors were not the wealthy elite (they brainwash others do their dirty work) but average Americans who either retained their job due to a bailout, received unemployment benefit extensions and COBRA provisions, had their homes secured through new mortgage re-writes, and had their 401K’s further secured by TARP funding to banks. The result is we avoided a wave of bank liquidations and corporate failures along with 25% to 30% unemployment.
Not helping this “Day of Outrage” was recent polls that showed while 44% don’t want any bailouts, 39% did want some form of government intervention and 12% didn’t mind intervention at all. Add to this Obama is still polling in the low 60% favorability, and we have a new “silent majority” amused at the lost message and circus atmosphere of the Tea Bag Parties.
Of course Democrats can’t leave well enough alone. Jeanine Garofalo damned all protestors as racist, she who demands open mindedness as part of the radical liberal sect, and Pelosi belittles people who did show up as “Astroturf,” in case we needed to be reminded of what a foot in one’s mouth sounds like.
The Tea Bag turnout was laughable and reiterated most Americans are behind President Obama and the need to do what is necessary to correct the economy and economic injustice. Democrats, radical or otherwise, should have more self confidence, shut up and let the facts speak for themselves.

David DiBello

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Brother George Weber, "The News Guy"

George Weber was a good decent person, who easily became a fabric of news radio and thus NYC. He was without pretense, having a few brews with the gang at the Blarney Stone after work, not a place to go if you claim to have "airs" about you.

He was also most likely a homosexual, given the circumstances surrounding his death; a murder by someone he knew in his apartment late at night. He lived on Henry Street, which is Brooklyn's version of Greenwich Village.

That’s all irrelevant because what will remain is that he was a good and decent person, not his sexual preference, or the fact that he came to a demise that no one deserves, and no one, no matter whom they are, are immune. He was the kind of person that made you think of what it was like to be a New Yorker, and what a gift it is to live in NY - nothing else. He was a normal gentleman, the kind one would have to be told of his sexual proclivity because that was not how he was defined. He was a regular guy.

Of course we all want the same thing from life, most importantly - to love and be loved. Unfortunately in the depths of our despair or loneliness, we are vulnerable to people who prey on such desires. George probably hoisted a few with the boys after work Friday night, shared a few laughs and headed home to Brooklyn, and apparently later that night met up with the wrong person.

It does give us pause to know that a moments bad decision can lead to our demise, but no one - no one - should pay with their life because they opened up their heart prematurely.

And no one can steal what this man, George Weber, meant to so many New Yorkers. That he was a good and decent man who loved New York and New Yorkers loved him in kind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to the Business World, Jake DeSantis!

Welcome to the Business World, Jake DeSantis!

Upon reading A.I.G.’s Jake DeSantis’ resignation letter one is almost moved to feel sympathy for a man who felt “duped” by company management, and anger towards a firm that did not fulfill its “commitment.”

As sympathy fades, one focuses on the fatal flaws with Mr. DeSantis’ logic, along with his isolation from a corporate world most of us live. Yes, Mr. DeSantis worked for a portion of A.I.G. that was profitable, but management views the whole in financial terms, not fragmented or decompartmentalized parts. This is why it is important for employees to consider themselves part of the whole, and concerned if a segment of their company is not performing well. As the saying goes, “we are as strong as our weakest link.”

In short, an employee is an agent of the entire company, and much like King Solomon’s test, cannot be cut in half. In dire situations, a company files bankruptcy not on a segment of their firm, but on the company as whole. As an executive Vice President, Mr. DeSantis should know he worked not for A.I.G. Northeast, or A.I.G. Southwest, but A.I.G. period; one Federal Tax ID number, one company.

It is understandable Mr. DeSantis’ pride is irked, but perhaps a few months’ reflection will set in on where he made his errors. First, being that he was able to work for $1.00 a year, unlike 98% of America, means he was well compensated in years past and has the luxury to be part of an ivory tower culture of waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Has he any gratitude for A.I.G.’s past compensation, or is it all about “what have you done for me lately?” The fact Jake is in a position to “give back” his “bonus” attests to A.I.G.’s past benevolence.

As for A.I.G.’s “lying,” welcome to corporate America, the kind us working class have experienced for many years. However, in this age of enlightenment and spirituality, this could be construed as A.I.G. engaging in the power of positive thinking; management gave a rosy scenario because negative ones insure failure. Perhaps they felt past year’s extravagant remuneration deserved a level of loyalty, if not pay back?

If there is a lesson for DeSantis, he will learn, in financial terms, to reduce his exposure by joining us mere mortals, accepting a salary each and every week, forgoing the variability of a pay out in the end. Join workers who experience rainbows in black and white, if we enjoy them at all. As the clichés goes, “a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush.” Mr. DeSantis wants the best of both worlds: paid like an Executive, but when things go wrong, employing the rules of the working class?

However the most affronting assertion in Mr. Desantis’ resignation rant where he loses any popular support is he was due a “bonus” from a firm that was bankrupt; in short, he wanted his bonus to come from OPM; other people’s money, an ethic strongly adopted and utilized by the Wall Street elite (the reason we are where we are). This smacks of sheer arrogance bolstered by outright naiveté, and blind ego.

Or is this a measure of Jake’s one way commitment, and part of his lie?

David DiBello